Hola, Tortilla Española makes you day in every way

Weather it is breakfast time, lunch hour or late tapas dish, Tortilla Española will be right choice for your menu. Tortilla Española or Tortilla de Patatas is light dish as itself, but lengthens your day when served with Spanish way with tomatoes, air dried ham and some white bread. The secret is with the potatoes that have been grated. That makes the structure slightly loose. The dish is quicker to prepare if potatoes have been cooked beforehand.
Tortilla Española is traditional Spanish Tortilla de Patatas that has high and loose outfit.  

Tortilla Española:
6‒7 medium sized potatoes
1 medium onion
5‒6 eggs
1‒2 cups of olive oil

Tortilla de Patatas is easy to prepare. You need potatoes, onion, eggs, olive oil and salt.

Cook the potatoes nearly cooked and let them cool a bit. Peel and grate them roughly. Slice and cut the onion. Put them together to a large bowl and season with salt. Beat the eggs, mix with fork and combine with potatoes-onion mixture. Heat oil in a pan with high sides. Let the oil warm a little and then spread the potatoes mixture evenly in the pan. Olive oil should nearly cover the tortilla. Hold the temperature steady and let the tortilla fry and get medium brown color within 15‒20 minutes. Flip the tortilla carefully. Set a large plate upside down over a pan and invert tortilla onto a plate. Set tortilla back into pan and let cook for more 4‒5 minutes.

Spanish Tortilla is versatile in many ways. With ham and tomatoes it is more filling.

Tortilla de Patatas on popular Spanish tapas. With Campo Viejo’s Reserva Cava you can taste the feeling and gentle touch of fruity. They both and also cava’s slight minerality goes very well with loose Tortilla. With Campo Viejo’s red wines young Crianca and its berryness have better touch to the Tortilla than Campo Viejo Reserva. Reserva red wine has more oak and spices and so it is stronger than Tortilla.

Glass of wine:
Campo Viejo Cava Brut Reserva. Espanja, Rioja. Alko number 538677. Hinta 9,99.
Light yellow colour, with persistent bubbles, fruity aromas and on the palate with complexity and freshness.

Campo Viejo. Espanja, Rioja 2008. Tempranillo. Alko number 6941. Hinta 10,29.
Cherry red colour, rich aromas with ripe red fruit and on the palate with full-bodied, spicy and vanilla aromas.

Campo Viejo Reserva. Espanja, Rioja 2006. Tempranillo, Garnacha, Mazuelo. Alko num. 6576. Hinta 13,80.
Ruby-red color, complex aromas like cherries, blackberries and on the palate with wood and elegant finish.

Teksti: Heikki Remes
Kuvat: Eeva Remes
Finnish version:  http://www.aromipaja.fi/2012/espanjalainen-munakas/

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