Fresh, organic, and tasty summer menu

Days by the turn of May and June means for many people reliefe after long spring winter, however mostly for students. But also the teachers share the same feelings and situation. In Kuopio adult education centre household teachers game together to meet colleaques, share feelings within semester and sigh! Not to forget cooking together, and wines combined!

White asparagus ”Polonaise”, cold smoked salmon with surface roasted ”Kalalappi” and hollandaise sauce, a’la Jaana Honghin & Heikki Remes

Fried pike perch “Grenobloise”, green asparagus and clam-remoulade, a’la Jonna Nissinen & Anne Nissinen

Rhubarb “Clafoutis” with whipped cream with hints of cardamom, a’la Sabrinan Porterfield & Anu Korhonen

Toast for summer and for the end of the season in adult education center in Kuopio. Household teachers are having deserved meal, naturally made by themselves, taking it easy, enjoying and relaxing among colleaques.

Glass of wines:
Moselland Riesling Kabinett.
Petit Bourgeois Sauvignon Blanc.

Text and photos: Heikki Remes

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